Titres : Cérémonie de désenvoutement des éperviers : Un coup franc mystique qui a raté la lucarne ... "La situation des personnes en situation de brûlures est toujours d'actualité au Togo", Fr Sébastien Djagba ... Contre les Discours de haine: WANEP-Togo et le PNUD unissent leurs forces dans les Savanes ... Mobilité des personnes en situation de handicap: Le Centre Don Orione de Bombouaka offre 11 tricycles ... Tisserands Anoufoh : L'angoisse d'une tradition en voie de disparition ... Tandjouaré: Ces jeunes qui osent ... Bombouaka: Du fait de l'orage, un vieux Kapokier succombe ... "De l’ironie des choix imposés à l’Afrique" ... Pligou 2: Le ponceau a finalement cédé ... Nongma Toukpal Sawadogo : Cette sourde-muette aux yeux bleus qui veut vendre du riz gras ...

Day 309: Praying for the Dead (2022)

Fr. Mike breaks down the doctrine of purgatory as we read about Judas Maccabeus and his army praying for the dead in 2 Maccabees...
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Day 310: Rivals for the Heart (2022)

Fr. Mike points out how easy it is to take good things and make idols out of them, setting them up as God’s rivals...
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Day 311: God Fights for You (2022)

As we get closer to the end of the Old Testament, Fr. Mike highlights one of the lessons we’ve seen time and time again—that...
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Day 312: Conclusion to the Old Testament (2022)

Fr Mike celebrates the accomplishment of reading the entire Old Testament and wraps up the books of 2 Maccabees and Wisdom, talking through the...
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Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Luke (with Jeff Cavins) - 2022

Welcome to the last Messianic Checkpoint! Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to introduce the Gospel of Luke and highlight the distinctive aspects of this...
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Day 313: The Ark of the New Covenant (2022)

As we begin reading the Gospel of Luke, Fr. Mike draws our attention to Mary. He clarifies the difference between Zechariah’s response and Mary’s...
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Day 314: My Beloved Son (2022)

Fr. Mike elaborates on the significance of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. He points out that the location of the Jordan...
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